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2019 TRIPS

Is God calling you to something new in 2019? Do you feel inexplicably drawn to care for a particular corner of the world? If so, we want you to travel with us!

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1/7 - 1/19

During this trip, our team will minister to children, whose parents were killed in the '08-'09 persecution, living at the House of Love orphanage. We will also train church planters and evangelists who are starting new churches in the area. The training will offer opportunities for trip members to engage in diverse evangelistic settings.



4/13 - 4/20

Twice a year, Refugio Solté----ATC's training and retreat center in Costa Rica----hosts camps for youth from some of the hardest-to-reach communities of the metropolitan area of San Jose. Join us as we create a safe community atmosphere, where these emerging leaders get the opportunity to play games, hike the rainforest, and develop a sense of belonging, family and value. 



10/6 - 10/18

We are returning to the small Yazidi refugee camp where we celebrated "Tentsgiving" in 2018. On this trip, we plan to deliver emergency relief in the form of non-perishable food and kerosene to fuel their small heaters through the frigid winters. We hope to partner with a local female translator in order to connect with the women and girls in the camp and share the message of Hope in their own tongue.



1/11 - 1/23

On this trip, our team will meet the Rezeigat, an unreached tribal group of 300,000, in South Sudan and provide humanitarian relief to them. We will also be preaching the good news of Jesus and showing the Jesus Film, which has been translated into the local tongue.




6/17 - 6/29

On this trip our team will be returning to the Rezeigat, an unreached tribal group of 300,000, and traveling to villages along the border of Sudan and South Sudan. We will provide humanitarian relief in the form of mobile medical clinics, share the good news of Jesus and show the Jesus Film, which has been translated into the local tongue. We will also spend time ministering to the students at the mission school that has been built in Akuak Rak.



12/2 - 12/14

On this trip, our team will engage in physical ministry to those in great need. As always, we will be involved in evangelism, showing the Jesus Film, teaching, and preaching----in schools and other venues that may open up to us. We will also meet with leaders, both Christian and otherwise, and share the Gospel with these key people.



3/4 - 3/16

Those living in the southern part of Sudan and east of the border of the Blue Nile region have been victims of genocide at the hands of the fundamentalist Khartoum government. On this trip, our team will be delivering emergency relief, showing the Jesus Film, and preaching in largely Muslim communities.

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7/20 - 8/3

Generation of Promise (GOP) is an annual, two-week college discipleship program hosted at Refugio Solté. Lead by Answering the Call staff and the directors of Refugio Solté, trip members will dive deep into exploring their identity in Christ, the heart of the Father, and the purposes He has called us to, all while adventuring and resting in the lush Costa Rican rain forest. 



12/6 - 12/18

Although some groups in this country of rising persecution have heard the Gospel, there are many removed populations in the mountains that have been difficult to access. Many have never heard the name of Jesus before. Trip members will visit those remote areas, accompanied by local church planters and evangelists, to bring the good news of Jesus.

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