We first attempted to enter the Nuba Mountains in 2014, but were shopped short of Sudan’s border at a place called Yida. At the time, Yida was populated by approximately 10,000 Nuban refugees.
We built relationships with the refugees there, and returned to facilitate mobile clinics and offer training for pastors in the camp. We were overjoyed at the ministry we had found in Yida, but we yearned to reach those trapped beyond the Sudanese border, so we prayed for an opportunity to reach the un-reached.

The state of Darfur is located in the southwestern part of Sudan and is populated by three primary people groups. One such group is a tribe of nomadic herdsmen and women known as the Rezeigat. The Dinka are their neighbors to the south and in recent years these two people groups have been writing a redemption story.

In 2015, Answering the Call partnered with Man of Peace, James Akol, and began working toward a self-supportive evangelism project to their Darfurian neighbors.