What a weird time we are all living in. As Addison and I were driving home from the airport after returning from Nuba, we were making predictions on what life was going to look like. We had seen so many stories online about the mass purchasing of items like hand sanitizer, soap, basic cleaning products and toilet paper. I especially wondered if the last one was serious. If people are that scared and worried about having to stay home, I imagined there would be mass shortages of food, but it was toilet paper. Our curiosity set in and we decided to stop at a Walmart about halfway home in Harrisonburg, VA to see for ourselves. That Walmart seemed busy, but pretty normal. I began to think, maybe people are freaking out over nothing. We continued our drive and after arriving in Roanoke, I decided to check out our grocery store here. I went and quickly discovered that the stories were not made up. I couldn’t find one roll of toilet paper or paper towels. The America Addi and I left was truly not the America we came home to.
Oftentimes in crisis we cling to the things or people that seem to provide some stability in the midst of a shaking. I believe this is a natural human response. It’s definitely my immediate reaction. Even after looking around in the grocery store, I wanted toilet paper. I had enough at home, but something about the uncertainty of when and how much would be restocked made me want to find some. As this pandemic emerged, people rushed to things they perceived would provide them comfort and security during this time. I completely understand that. I still think the item we chose to hoard was weird, but I get it.

But as the boat continues shaking, it feels like the toilet paper is not providing the stability and peace that people wanted. If there is one thing I have learned from people in the fields that helps me through unsettling times is this: Jesus is solid.
Putting our hope and faith in anything else, especially in the midst of a global crisis, leaves us vulnerable and exposed. We may use the shaking that the world is currently experiencing as a time to center and ground ourselves in the Father.
I love our country. I have been to many places around the world and have seen a lot of other cultures. Still to this day, America is where I want to live. I am not saying it’s perfect, in fact it’s very far from it. Nonetheless America is being shaken just like the rest of the world, and since our country doesn’t experience as many “shakings” as most places around the world, we almost don’t know how to handle them. Many feel lost; like a chicken running around with it’s head cut off. The most important thing to do in the midst of this is:
Take a deep breath.
And talk to the Father.
He always comes through and he always wins.
Therefore let us be grateful for receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, and thus let us offer to God acceptable worship, with reverence and awe.
Hebrews 12:28

Jake never thought he would follow in his father's footsteps, but after stepping in to lead an emergency relief trip to the Nuba Mountains in the fall of 2017, he knew God was leading him into missions. After graduating from Virginia Tech with a degree in Agricultural Science and a minor in Social Change and Leadership, Jake accepted a full-time position as ATC's Field Coordinator. When he's not leading trips or coordinating projects, you can find Jake working on the family farm or hanging out with his wife A.C.