We first attempted to enter the Nuba Mountains in 2014, but were shopped short of Sudan’s border at a place called Yida. At the time, Yida was populated by approximately 10,000 Nuban refugees.
We built relationships with the refugees there, and returned to facilitate mobile clinics and offer training for pastors in the camp. We were overjoyed at the ministry we had found in Yida, but we yearned to reach those trapped beyond the Sudanese border, so we prayed for an opportunity to reach the un-reached.

David Fuller

David is the embodiment of Answering the Call. David regards barriers, borders and obstacles as opportunities for God's power to be made known worldwide. He preaches the Gospel in underground churches in Asia, prays over rape survivors in Congo, and facilitates relief materials into the Nuba Mountains of Sudan and the front lines of the War in Ukraine. With David Fuller, there is no line, no point at which to stop and turn back, when God calls you to reach the ones He loves.
Joy Fuller

In addition to the full-time job of keeping David in line, Joy oversees the communication and design decisions of ATC. She also co-pastors a church in Roanoke, VA with David, all while finishing her Masters of Religion in Middle Eastern Studies. Further proving she can do it all, Joy is the director of Generation of Promise, ATC's two-week discipleship program in Costa Rica. When she's not on the go, Joy is hanging out with her grandbabies or playing fetch with the only dog that could turn her into an animal-lover: Saint Basil, the sheepadoodle.
Jake Fuller

Jake never thought he would follow in his father's footsteps, but after stepping in to lead an emergency relief trip to the Nuba Mountains in the fall of 2017, he knew God was leading him into mission work. After graduating from Virginia Tech with a degree in Agricultural Science and a minor in Social Change and Leadership in 2018, Jake accepted a full-time position at ATC. Jake not only manages the financial operations at ATC, but also leads multiple trips into the fields throughout the year. When he's not managing spreadsheets, leading trips or coordinating projects, you can find Jake hanging out with his wife AC, their son Theo, their dog Whit, and the awesome community of friends and family in Roanoke and Dwelling Place Church.
The Smith Family

Based out of Uvita, Costa Rica. Jason is originally from Louisiana, and Sarah is a daughter of missionaries to Honduras and grew up in Latin America. They met at college in Louisiana, and moved to Costa Rica shortly after getting married to oversee the construction of Refugio Solté. What began as a one year assignment, turned into 15+ years as the directors of the retreat center, with people from over 30 different countries experiencing the Lord’s presence, freedom, growth and healing. Over 15 years later, Costa Rica has become home to them and their two boys, Luka and Niko, and they are entering into a new and exciting season of ministry and missions, partnering as Field Coordinators for ATC through their non-profit foundation, The Nikao Foundation.
The Dienner Family

Alex, an American, and Delia, a German, met and got married while serving on the mission field in Reynosa, Mexico. They have two young boys, Ezra Shecaniah and Phineas James, and enjoy the process of learning how to be on mission as a family unit. Their passion for Christ and love for His bride has already taken them to Central and South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. They have a heart for the global church and feel called by Jesus to be a bridge between the developed and undeveloped world through crossing cultures and languages, exalting Jesus in the nations, preaching the Gospel, stopping for the one in front of them, and empowering locals to go and do likewise. Avid readers, world travelers and lovers of learning, you can often find them challenging the status quo and inviting others to step outside the box and take a step of faith. “Every breath is a gift from God and an invitation to believe for the impossible.” The Dienners base out of our local field in Costa Rica while Alex serves as an ATC Field Coordinator traveling and leading teams. They are excited to partner with ATC to reach people in difficult-to-reach-places through their sending church, The Worship Center.