We first attempted to enter the Nuba Mountains in 2014, but were shopped short of Sudan’s border at a place called Yida. At the time, Yida was populated by approximately 10,000 Nuban refugees.
We built relationships with the refugees there, and returned to facilitate mobile clinics and offer training for pastors in the camp. We were overjoyed at the ministry we had found in Yida, but we yearned to reach those trapped beyond the Sudanese border, so we prayed for an opportunity to reach the un-reached.

Fall 2019
Fall 2019
Fall 2019
BE warm & Well fed
Last year YOU made it possible for us to celebrate "Tentsgiving" in a small Yazidi refugee camp in the Middle East. Every family received a new winterized tent, at least three winter coats and nonperishable food items including rice, beans, canned tomatoes and tea. We were also able to provide 7,000 liters of kerosene to fuel the heaters through the harsh winter weather.
Today the homeland of the Yazidi people is devastated. Remaining buildings are severely damaged, resources and security are largely lacking and their harvest was destroyed by a recent fire from an unknown source --- though ISIS is suspected. Many Yazidi are still missing and the threat of persecution continues. Our friends have not been able to return home and winter is coming to the camp again.
On October 6, our team will return to the Middle East to deliver two winter months' worth of much-needed food relief and kerosene fuel to the 272 Yazidi refugee men, women and children remaining in this camp.